In my head the square format is very sympathetic to tree photos . Off I went down the local park and shot some . Problem was I wasn't too sure where my focus point should be - in the foreground - off to infinity or use hyper focal distance to keep a maximum depth of field ??? Then there was depth of field - I knew medium format shooting means you have less depth of field for a given aperture - but how much ?? would f-8 be enough ?
The answer was unfortunately no - f11 or f16 might have been better . The general vision I had was correct just the finer points were messed up !! Back to the drawing board . The image you see above is an accurate scan of a print I made of one of the better frames . It probably was printed at too high a grade (4) . I've just been reading the excellent Online Darkroom blog by Bruce Robbins and am very impressed with his suggestions for achieving good prints in the darkroom . Think I'll give his method a go and hopefully save some highlights while avoiding a dull print . Topic for a new post methinks !!
This looks like it would have come out better with a #3 or #3½. Also, this is a VERY contrasty scene, so if you had to bump up the contrast with filters you definitely need to develop your negatives longer or agitate more vigorously. I would say start by increasing dev time by 30-50% more depending on your taste in the final print.